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School Supplies Distribution

At Caribbean Children’s Education Fund (CCEF), we recognize that access to quality education begins with the right tools. Our School Supplies Distribution program is a foundation for bridging the gap for children in underserved communities. Through our planning and community partnerships, we ensure that essential educational materials, from notebooks to pencils, reach the hands of willing learners. This initiative not only equips students with the basics but inspires a sense of dignity and pride, creating an environment where education becomes an endowing journey. By supporting our School Supplies Distribution, you play a vital role in breaking down barriers and developing a generation hungry for knowledge.

$40,000 Goal
$12,133 Raised 60%

Solar Power Innovation

In pursuing sustainable solutions, CCEF's Solar Power Innovation program is a hope of light. We believe that access to electricity is not just a luxury but a fundamental right that empowers deserving communities. Through the installation of solar panels, we bring renewable energy to schools, orphanages, and homes in areas where electricity is rare. This initiative not only lights up rooms but also opens up new possibilities for education, safety, and community development. Join CCEF in enlightening lives and empowering communities by supporting our Solar Power Innovation program. Together, let's turn sunlight into opportunities.

$60,000 Goal
$24,000 Raised 40%

Mobile Health Clinic:

The Caribbean Children’s Education Fund extends beyond the classroom, resonating in the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Our Mobile Health Clinic program is a manifestation of our belief that good health is a foundation for a thriving life. These clinics, equipped with medical professionals and essential supplies, travel to remote areas, offering healthcare services to those who lack access. From basic check-ups to health education, our aim is to ensure that every child and family we reach can lead a healthy and fulfilling life. By supporting our Mobile Health Clinic, you become a partner in bringing healing to doorsteps and developing the overall well-being of the communities we touch. Join us in the journey to make healthcare a universal right, irrespective of geographical constraints.

$90,000 Goal
$36,325 Raised 40%

School Building Refurbishment

At CCEF, we understand that a conducive learning environment goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. Our Orphanage School Building Refurbishment program proves our commitment to providing children with safe and inspiring spaces to learn and grow. From repairing roofs to ensuring proper sanitation facilities, we transform dilapidated structures into havens of education. This initiative revitalizes physical spaces and breathes new life into the educational journey of orphaned children. Your support at CCEF builds spaces, creating environments where dreams come true. Join us in building not just structures but futures.

$100,000 Goal
$62,060 Raised 60%


Welcome to a journey that holds the power to change lives and create a lasting impact. In a world where countless children find themselves without the love and support of a family, it is crucial that we come together to make a difference. By extending a helping hand to orphans, we can provide them with the care, opportunities, and hope they deserve.

The plight of orphans is a matter that touches the depths of our hearts. These young souls often face immense challenges, lacking the stability, guidance, and affection that a family provides. However, through collective efforts and unwavering compassion, we have the power to transform their lives and give them a brighter future.

$80,000 Goal
$44,625 Raised 51%
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